Tabloidul The Sun dedică un număr Perversului de pe Târgu Ocna, Mădălinei şi lui Bote
Pentru că vedetele de la noi i-au lăsat cu gura căscată, jurnaliştii de la The Sun au hotărât să le dedice săptămânal câte o ediţie a tabloidului. Să nu ne mândrim totuşi prea mult cu asta. E posibil ca ziarul să fie folosit în şcolile britanice pe post de atlas zoologic.
Pentru că vedetele de la noi i-au lăsat cu gura căscată, jurnaliştii de la The Sun au hotărât să le dedice săptămânal câte o ediţie a tabloidului. Să nu ne mândrim totuşi prea mult cu asta. E posibil ca ziarul să fie folosit în şcolile britanice pe post de atlas zoologic.
The Pervert: I Took Great Pains to Obtain This Forearm
A new star was born! Known as the Pervert from Târgu Ocna, he became famous after a violent incident during which his forearm had been scratched. Altought he was apposted by two individuals, one of them holding a bat, the Pervert eventually managed to beat them up. As a last resort, the aggressors called the police, which puts into question the fact that they are hooligans.
Mădălina, Do You Think You Are Prettier Now?
The famous singer Mădălina Manole, known as the girl with the hair on fire, commited suicide beucase she didn’t think she was pretty anymore. The interpreter of the song “Dear girl, don’t be sad” drank Furadan, a poisonous substance nobody had heard of before this incident.
Some people think that Mădălina didn’t kill herself, but was murdered by her husband, who was cheating on her. In other words, Petru Mircea killed Mădălina because she wasn’t pretty anymore.
Carmen Harra, a medium who claims to have talked with Mădălina, confirmed that the singer was murdered by her husband. Yet, the medium is not saying the truth. Mădălina refused to talk to Carmen Harra, because Harra is not pretty and never was.
Bote, are you upset you can’t make anal sex?
Cătălin Botezatu claims that he is straight for medical reasons. Bote said he had colon cancer, which prevents him from taking it up his ass. He admitted with regret in his voice that any anal contact could be fatal for him. At this point, Bote interrupted abruptly the press conference because he had got an erection.
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